HttpCtrl documentation

This page contains general information about HttCtrl and links to documentation of HttpCtrl's libraries, such as HttpCtrl.Client, HttpCtrl.Server and HttpCtrl.Json. Documentation contains detailed description of each library with examples.


HttpCtrl is an open source library for Robot Framework that provides HTTP/HTTPS client and HTTP server services to make REST API testing easy. The library is written using Python 3 language. The library is distributed under The 3-Clause BSD License.

The reason why the library was implemented is requirement to use client/server API simultaneously in tests, for example, a client sends request to make some procedure on a server and the client should provide callback to obtain result of the procedure. This is a case when server is also required to obtain result and check it.

In case of any questions, proposals or bugs related to the HttpCtrl please create an issue here.

Version: 0.3.1

Author: Andrei Novikov

Official Repository:

Bug Tracker:

Library Content


Installation from PyPi using pip3 tool:

$ pip3 install robotframework-httpctrl